Teaching at a retreat in Virginia Beach, Ven. Thay Thanh observed that “Mindfulness alone is not enough. Support your mindfulness practice with wisdom and the Five Precepts.”
An English Language Service at Dong Hung Temple
The concept of mindfulness is actually becoming quite commercialized as it makes its way into school classrooms, corporate board rooms and almost everywhere else in our society. Ven. ThayThanh reminds us with this comment that mindfulness in and of itself is not enough. The practice of mindfulness should be supported with a sound foundation of moral principles, such as the teachings of the Buddha.
(Venerable Thich Chuc Thanh is the Dharma Master at Dong Hung Temple. These quotations were collected from 2015 through 2018 as he taught in Virginia Beach, VA and Southern Shores, NC. The quotation titles and commentary are by temple member Mark Palamara.)