Teaching in Virginia Beach at a retreat in 2017, Ven. Chuc Thanh told the sangha “There is no sudden enlightenment. Even the Buddha had to practice many lifetimes and many years in this life to achieve enlightenment.”
This is an appropriate reminder for all of us regardless of how long we have been practicing or what our level of understanding of the teachings may be. Enlightenment is elusive. We must patiently and consistently refine our knowledge, understanding and practice of the Buddha’s teachings in this lifetime to positively influence our karmic path for the next life. During the journey, concentrate on each present moment. Let the result take care of itself.
(Venerable Thich Chuc Thanh is the Dharma Master at Dong Hung Temple. This quotation is part of a continuing collection from his dharma talks given in Virginia Beach, VA and Southern Shores, NC beginning in 2015. The quotation title and commentary are by temple member Mark Palamara.)