Teaching in Virginia Beach, Venerable Chuc Thanh told the sangha “Wisdom gives us a chance to see this is our karma.”
A definition of wisdom from Oxford Languages on line is “the quality of having experience, knowledge and good judgement.” A working definition of Karma taught by the Venerable Thich Chuc Dai is “karma is intentional thoughts, words and actions.” The first two parts of the Noble Eightfold Path, Right View and Right Intention, are collectively termed “Wisdom.”
Reflecting on the above definitions, how does Ven. Chuc Thanh’s teaching about wisdom apply to your daily life? Does wisdom help you direct your karmic thoughts, words and actions? Do your thoughts, words and actions drive the development of your wisdom? What determines if we have the right view or right intention?
(Venerable Thich Chuc Thanh is the Dharma Master at Dong Hung Temple. This quotation is part of a continuing collection from his dharma talks given in Virginia Beach, VA and Southern Shores, NC beginning in 2015. The quotation title and commentary are by temple member Mark Palamara.)